Sedona To The Sea: Sedona
I find myself at my happiest when I am exploring, learning and creating. The great thing about art is the journey about art. Learning different places and the history of art and finding inspiration within our daily lives to create art that is meaningful.
Going to Sedona was a last-minute decision, but became an expedition where we explored, learned and created. We started with the journey and worried little about the details. We had no plans for what we were going to shoot. We had no idea of where we would stay. We only knew our locations by their names and buzz behind them.
Our journey started driving from phoenix to Sedona. As we drove the scenery just go better and better and better. We drove through hills, zigging and zagging to our destination.
We arrived and the first thing that struck me was the colors of the red rocks. I have seen them in pictures, but the color was overwhelmingly beautiful. Almost like reddish terracotta color was competing with the clear blue sky.
I found a rock mountain. And stopped on the side of the road and started taking pictures. It was random, intuitive, but the meaning of that picture would not be known until much later.
We stopped in town to gather our bearings and ask around for recommendations, and noticed the crystals dealers, The psychics, and numerous natural remedies shops. I thought I was back in LA.
We decided to visit a church perched on the top of a hill. We arrived at the top, and the one feeling that we thought the whole time that we were there was how at peace we were. We should have been stressed and tired. We had driven for miles, we didn’t know what we were doing, but we were at peace and in the moment.
We took amazing shots of the church, that looked like it was almost sculpted out of the rock. Perched on top of the mountain, it looked like a guardian, watching over the valley.
Days later I started to read about Sedona. Why was it so popular, and why was at peace despite being stressed out?
I was reading about the vortexes, and its meditative powers. I don’t know how true it its. I have to more research, but without knowing anything about the area I felt at peace. I felt inspired by the red rocks and colors and tried to create pieces that reflected that.